Another Squad car we havent touched on is Roskis S13 Fastback. He's only had the car about 6 months and just started his mini-build last month. He started with a busted, but 100% rust free chassis that looked like this.

We replaced the whole front end from the doors forward,fenders,hood,bumper support, headlamp assemblies, and lined everything up correctly, replaced the rear hatch, put his aero on, rolled the his fenders, installed and set his Stance suspension, and put his Works on in the rear, were waiting on some 5 lug stuff to put his fronts on.

The car is currently off at the paint shop getting some bodywork and full spray job, should be back this weekend. Theres alot more parts and details of the build obviously but this is just a progress report. For detailed walkthrough of Roskis build go
In other Squadron news, the D*star car is nearing completion after the arrival of some much needed pieces to the puzzle. Heres a quick peek. More pics and info soon.

Next post, we will show yet another Squad members car and hopefully some near finished pics of some of the other builds.
Until then.