What we are is nothing more than a group of childhood friends that grew up in the same area with a passion for the S chassis, motorsports, and cars in general. In total there are 5 of us with S chassis'. 4 of which make up the original group. Counting all of us though, and youll end up with 10 guys huddling around in one garage.
The backstory summary is this, Me and Trucky were good friends in high school and I pulled him into the so-called scene that i had been an avid fan of since my childhood. We both got S13's in the same week in 04 and started modding. A year later my cousin Frank buys in with his s14 Zenki. And a year after that Roski aquires his s13. Theres much more that happened before and after this. But i dont wanna write a nove,l nor is it necessary to know the whole story. 4 years into it, weve built, driven, drifted, crashed, sold, bought, abandoned and wasted our youth doing what we love. Heres to MANY more years to come, each one better than the last.
Least now we have somewhere to cry about it.

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